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Masterplan - The Lanes, Penwortham

Here you will find information about The Lanes, a development proposed for Pickerings Farm in Penwortham:



Pickerings Farm (also known as The Lanes) in Penwortham forms part of South Ribble's Local Plan (Policy C1).

In order to satisfy the requirements of Policy C1 a Masterplan for the comprehensive development of the site needs to be agreed. 

Developers, Taylor Wimpey to date have submitted 2 masterplans to the Council's Planning Committee for this area. 

The masterplans set out proposals for the Pickerings Farm area in Penwortham and sees plans for 2,000 homes - a mix of detached, semi-detached, mews and apartment properties - and a local centre which could include a range of facilities such as a food store, offices or other community uses.

Masterplan of January 2019

A draft masterplan was the subject of a consultation exercise between November 2018 and January 2019. Based on views from Statutory Bodies and residents, a final Masterplan was submitted to the Council  which the developers wished to be adopted for Development Management purposes to guide the determination of planning applications on the site.

Following a consultation exercise which was conducted by the developers, Taylor Wimpey, on a Draft Masterplan submission between 9th November 2018 and 4th January 2019, a Final Masterplan was submitted to the Council which the developers wished to be adopted for Development Management purposes to guide the determination of planning applications on the site.

Masterplan (PDF) [61MB]

Design Code Final 2019 (PDF) [52MB]

IDS Final 2019 (PDF) [4MB]

Summary of changes from 2019 documents

As part of the preparation of the Masterplan, the Developers carried out extensive consultation with the local community, statutory organisations and stakeholder on the draft version between November 2018 and January 2019.  Following this consultation, a number of changes were made to the Masterplan document and the final version has now been submitted.  The Council will consider the contents of the Masterplan and, should the Masterplan be adopted by the Planning Committee, it will be used for Development Management purposes.  The Masterplan would then be used to guide development on the site and will be a material consideration in the determination of the associated planning applications.

A public consultation was conducted on the documents which concluded in March 2020. as a result of the consultation and following discussions with council officers, amended masterplan documents have been received. 

The Masterplan

  • In order to address some of the comments received, which requested that further detailed technical information be included in the Masterplan, the main Masterplan document now includes a series of technical statements appended addressing highways (Appendix C), ecology (Appendix D), flood risk and drainage (Appendix E), and landscape (Appendix F). Reference is provided to these technical appendices throughout the main Masterplan document;
  • Following discussions with the LEA, the school site has been moved further to the north and is to be accessed off a secondary road. A drop off parking facility for the school is also shown on the revised Masterplan document on page 2;
  • The community building has been removed from the Masterplan because Penwortham Town Council are proposing to extend the existing Community Centre;
  • The orchards on the site were not previously proposed for retention due to their poor condition. These features are now highlighted in orange on the revised Masterplan on page 2 and will either be retained in situ or replaced on sites elsewhere within the Masterplan area or on other suitable land outside of the site under the control of the Developers;
  • Although not within the site, a new 3G sports pitch is proposed on the existing pitches adjacent to the existing Community Centre;
  • The text in the Access and Movement section (Section 6) of the Masterplan document has been updated to reflect highways discussions with LCC and Network Rail;
  • Short term and long term vehicular access options connecting to Leyland Road in the north eastern corner of the site are proposed. The short term option is a priority 'T' junction arrangement connecting the CBLR extension to Bee Lane utilising the existing Bee Lane bridge to connect to Leyland Road. The short term access option will be restricted to use by existing properties on the site and 40-50 new dwellings. The long term option is a new bridge over the West Coast Mainline connecting the CBLR extension with Leyland Road;
  • The indicative access option for the Kingsfold Drive link is shown in the Masterplan document and the Kingsfold Drive Link is also shown on the revised Masterplan (page 33);
  • Potential Travel Plan measures are now included within the revised Access and Movement section (Section 6) of the Masterplan document and in the IDS;
  • A Building Heights Parameter Plan for the site has been prepared by 5Plus. This plan and accompanying text is now contained within the Masterplan document (page 57);
  • Additional text on separation distances and property buffers can be found in the Masterplan document (page 54); and
  • Detailed text and an accompanying plan regarding proposed buffers to existing properties has been added into the Masterplan document (page 55).

The Design Code

  • The Character Area sections of the Design Code have been updated to refer to a mix of property types;
  • Text on Secured by Design Principles is now included in the Design Code (section 3.2);
  • Further detail of buffer zones to the A582 have been added to the Design Code document
  • Text has been added of the Design Code to cover objectives relating to hedgerows. This is also covered within the Landscape Technical Statement at Appendix F of the Masterplan document;

The Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (IDS)

  • Detail on healthcare contributions is now included within the IDS (page 6);
  • In accordance with Policy 7 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy, the IDS notes that the amount, mix, location and phasing of affordable housing will be discussed and agreed with SRBC in the lead up to and during the determination of planning applications for residential development within the site. All planning applications for residential development at the site will be assessed against Policy 7 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy;
  • Commentary on how the latter phase of the site would be delivered and more information on the delivery of the CBLR on third party land, and the railway crossing in provided in the IDS table (page 6);
  • The IDS and the accompanying table on page 6 has been updated to provide further detail on which infrastructure elements will be delivered through S106, CIL, S278 and S38 agreements; and
  • The Masterplan, Design Code and IDS have been prepared to require comprehensive development to come forward within the site on land owned and / or controlled by the Developers and on third party land.

Masterplan of September 2020

Following a number of discussions and meetings between the developers and officers of the Council, issues were raised which the developers have sought to address through the submission of an updated version of the Masterplan. 

This Masterplan also considers issues raised by residents and Statutory Consultees. The Masterplan comprises a suite of documents which are made up of the following:

The Masterplan, including technical appendices on Highways, Landscaping, Ecology and Flood Risk and Drainage (PDF) [82MB]

Design Code 2020 (PDF) [21MB]

IDS 2020 (PDF) [2MB]

Statement of Community Consultation 2020 (PDF) [6MB]

Planning Committee ruling 

The new masterplan was taken to Planning Committee on 17 September and was refused. 

Minutes of the meetingĀ 

If you have any further questions about the masterplan, please contact


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