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B2 - Village Development Supplementary Planning Document

Section 3

6. Local Need for Community Uses

6.1 As community facilities tend to be used by residents of a wider area, the local need for community facilities can be a proven need either within this settlement or adjacent settlements.

6.2 Evidence for such uses may come from a range of sources, including (but not limited to):

  •  Lancashire Care - Provide health and wellbeing services for the area, working with a multitude of partners.
  • My Neighbourhoods
  • Clinical Commissioning Group - to provide detailed information on the health needs of an area. This evidence should clearly demonstrate the need for the proposed use, and also for its scale - for example a large community centre will not be accepted, if the submitted evidence only demonstrates the need for a small centre.

7. Assessing Planning Applications

7.1 When assessing planning applications on sites allocated for B2 - Village Development, the following criteria will apply:

  • Not every site allocated under this policy will be appropriate for the same use. Each scheme will be assessed on its merits, taking into account all relevant development management criteria.
  • For a proposed scheme which includes residential development (either market or affordable housing), an up to date Housing Needs Survey will be required to accompany the application.
  • Any proposals for residential development on these sites will be carefully assessed using the evidence provided in the Housing Needs Survey, and any other accompanying evidence.

8. Monitoring and Review

8.1 The Councils will monitor the effectiveness of this guidance including Core Strategy key indicators and review as appropriate in the light of its performance and future changes in planning law, and policy guidance.

9. Status of SPDs

9.1 The SPD will be subject to consultation in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Responses to the Consultation Draft SPD will be taken into consideration within a further revised version of the document.

10. Further Information

10.1 The SPD will primarily be implemented through determination of planning applications through the development management process.

Charges apply for preapplication consultations; please see our website. Planning Officers will be pleased to provide advice and guidance on planning matters regarding development on sites allocated under Policy B2.

They can be contacted on: 01772 625 625 or

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