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Prior notification forms

The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England) Order 2015 ("GPDO 2015") came into force on the 15 April 2015 and introduces new permitted development rights,

Whilst the new rights appear to be a generous relaxation of the existing law, conditions and restrictions apply in most cases and prior approval is generally needed which will limit their application.

The new rights include:

  • a temporary right permitting change from storage or distribution centres (Class B8) to residential use (Class C3) for a three year period expiring on 15 April 2018;
  • a permitted change from amusement arcade/casino (sui generis use) to residential use (Class C3);
  • a permitted change from retail (Class A1) to financial services (Class A2);
  • a permitted change from retail/financial services (Class A1/A2) to food and drink (Class A3);
  • a permitted change from retail/financial services (Class A1/A2), betting offices, pay day loan shops and casinos to assembly and leisure uses (Class D2);
  • extension of the temporary permitted development rights introduced in May 2013 for extensions to shops, offices, industrial and warehouse buildings to support business expansion and the economy so they apply permanently;
  • the erection of click and collect facilities within the curtilage of an existing retail shop;
  • modifications to the size of an existing retail shop loading bay;
  • installation, alteration or replacement of solar photovoltaics on the roofs of non-domestic buildings, up to a capacity of 1 Megawatt.

The existing temporary right that permits a change from office to residential use has not been extended by the GPDO 2015 and will still expire on 30 May 2016. 

In summary, these changes include the following, and you can access the relevant forms by visiting the Planning Portal downloadable forms area:

  • Premises in B1(a) office use are able to change to C3 residential use, subject to prior approval covering flooding, highways and transport issues and contamination.

Notification of a Proposed Change of Use to Dwelling(s)

This template can be used by a developer to notify us of the intention to the use of Offices (Class B1(a)) to dwelling houses (Class C3). Fee is £80.

  • Premises in B1, C1, C2, C2A, D1 and D2 use classes can change use to a state-funded school, subject to prior approval covering highways and transport impacts and noise.

Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use to State Funded School

Development is not permitted if this permission has been used for the building previously, or if the use of the building is sui generis, or if the building is a listed building or Scheduled Ancient Monument or is or forms part of a safety hazard area or military explosives storage area. No fee required.

  • Agricultural buildings under 500 square metres will be able to change to a number of other uses (A1, A2, A3, B1, B8, C1 and D2). For buildings between 150 square metres and 500 square metres, prior approval covering flooding, highways and transport impacts, and noise will be required.

Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a flexible use within Shops, Financial and Professional services, Restaurants and Cafes, Business, Storage or Distribution, Hotels, or Assembly or Leisure

Development is not permitted where the building exceeds 500 square metres or is a listed building or Scheduled Ancient Monument or is or forms part of a safety hazard area or military explosives storage area. Fee is £80.

  • Buildings with A1 (Shop), A2 (Financial and Professional Services , A3 (Restaurant & Cafe), A4 (Drinking Establishment), A5 (Hot Food Takeaway), B1 (Business), D1 (non Residential Institutions) and D2 (Assembly & Leisure) uses will be permitted to change use for a period of up two years to A1, A2, A3 and B1.

Notification Form - Flexible Use (PDF) [34KB]

  • There will be increased thresholds for business change of use. Thresholds will change from 235 square metres to 500 square metres for permitted development for change of use from B1 or B2 to B8 and from B2 or B8 to B1.
  • For a period of three years, between 30 May 2013 and 30 May 2016, householders will be able to build larger single-storey rear extensions under permitted development (subject to other requirements).  The size limits have changed from four metres to up to eight metres for detached houses, and from up to three metres to up to six metres for semi-detached and terraced houses.

Notification of a Proposed Larger Home Extension

This template can be used by a householder to notify us of the intention to build a larger single-storey rear extension as described on the extensions common project page. If you require help on filling in this form, please read the guidance note for help completing the notification. Fee is £96.00 from 19th August 2019

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