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Homelessness Strategy 2020-2025

Action Plan

Priority 1

Reduce homelessness by increasing prevention


What we will do


(Funding/Staff etc...)


Outcomes/ Measures of success

Monitor, Learn from and Act on the implementation of the Homelessness reduction Act

South Ribble Borough Council Housing Needs team

Up to 2025

50% Reduction in number of cases where contact is lost. Baseline 20% of presentations


Increased preventions / reliefs by 5% )on the baseline of 284 per year


Reduction in number of main duty decisions by 5% on the baseline 66 per year

Ensure that the information on the website is relevant and up to date


Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer

Up to 2025- Review website at 6 monthly intervals or when there is a change in legislation and service provided


Up to date information available for the public

Identify good practise around successful initiatives in the early identification of people at risk of homelessness.  Develop options to introduce 

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer

Produce an action plan  by December 2020

Increased preventions / reliefs by 5%on the baseline of 284 per year


Reduction in number of main duty decisions by 5% on the baseline 66 per year

Develop training on homelessness for partner agenciesHousing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing OfficerDevelop training and commence delivery by December 2020

Deliver at least 4 sessions over the course of 2021


Increase early referrals with referral being no later than 5 days after first contact

Increase the number of successful preventions by 5%

Involve customers in the design of service deliveryHousing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing OfficerMarch 2021Customer insight and intelligence to be developed through  customer satisfaction survey  and used to shape services.
Review early intervention activities with Registered providersHousing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing OfficerCarry out a review of notifications and outcomes by December 2020Appropriate and timely referrals received and acted upon and a reduction in the number of homelessness referrals received?
Evaluate and commission initiatives funded via homelessness grant to prevent homelessness

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer


Homelessness grant funding


Procurement, legal and finance

Evaluate by end of March 2020 and consider options to re-commissionServices evaluated and re commissioned as required
Develop / maintain working relationships with DWP representatives

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer

Up to 2025Representation at forums to be in place and maintained to encourage 2 way communication
Keep existing protocols with Childrens Social care, hospitals and prisons  under review and develop new ones with other services as appropriateHousing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing OfficerUp to 2025Protocols are current and understood by all participants - and early referrals are increased with no more than 5 days elapsing between first contact and referral



Priority 2

Enhance the housing offer available for temporary and longer term options


What we will do


(Funding/Staff etc...)


Outcomes/ Measures of success

Review the allocation and procurement of temporary accommodation policies and procedures

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer

Allocation and procurement policies to be reviewed September 2020 and annually thereafter


Service level agreements for temporary accommodation updated annually

Policies and procedures up to date  - Efficient use of temporary accommodation which meets the needs of clients and provides value for money to the council

Evaluate and re commission as appropriate temporary accommodation

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer

Joint with Preston City Council

By June 2021

Evaluation and commissioning exercise undertaken by June 2021  and good quality value for money accommodation commissioned

Work with Central Lancashire Authorities and the Lancashire County Council on accommodation for people with complex needs

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer


Central Lancashire Authorities

By June 2021

Provision of sufficient accommodation which is available as required for customers requiring support for complex needs


Work with private landlords to promote the private rented sector as a viable option including for those aged under 35

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer


Private landlords

6 monthly review reports to be undertaken from June 2020 up to 2025

Increased access to the private rented sector and more landlords engaging with the service

Work with the Select Move partnership to monitor the implementation of the common allocations policy

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer

Attend bi- monthly steering group meetings


Monitor the implementation of the policy quarterly



Sufficient priority given to households who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.

Ensure adequate support for offenders and ex- offenders

Senior Housing Officer

Probation, Prisons ,Shelter

Continue to monitor the Lancashire prison protocol under review and engage with the Lancashire reducing reoffending board and other key stakeholders  such as MAPPA to 2025

Timely referrals for those with an offending background are received.  Options for accommodation and support for ex-offenders are reviewed and enhanced.


Priority 3

Improve health and well being


What we will do


(Funding/Staff etc...)


Outcomes/ Measures of success

Establish joint ways of working to assist homeless households with mental health problems

Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer


Mental Health providers

Joint information sharing event (with whom?) to be held by December 2020


Mapping of provision to be undertaken by December 2020


Joint working pathways to be agreed by December 2020

Better understanding and referral processes between services

Utilise referent? to ensure that referrals are made to services that can assist homeless households to improve their health and wellbeing

South Ribble Housing Needs Team

On going  to 2025

Use of Refernet by officers maximised to facilitate referrals

Utilise the South Ribble Early Intervention Team (SRIT) to access services and support for homeless households

South Ribble Housing Needs Team


SRIT team

On going to 2025

Access )to early support and intervention for homeless households is increased and is timely


Priority 4

Actions to ensure that levels of rough sleeping in the borough remain low


What we will do


(Funding/Staff etc...)


Outcomes/ Measures of success

Ensure that the information on the website is relevant and up to date including our response to rough sleeping


Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer



Review the website by June 2020 and every 6 months thereafter

Improved information and advice available for the public and other agencies.  

Maintain outreach to all sightings of rough sleepers

South Ribble Housing Needs Team

Ongoing  to 2025

Contact made with customers reported to be sleeping rough and support plan provided

Work with neighbouring authorities to enhance the offer for rough sleepers  

 Housing Options Team Leader / Senior Housing Officer


Preston City council


Chorley Council


Meeting to be arranged by June 2020

Improved access to support , bedspaces and intervention for rough sleepers



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