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Biodiversity Action Plan



Key Actions for 2023 / 2024


Habitats and Species

Environmental Pressures and Mitigation Measures

Sustainable Development

Education and Engagement

Download a PDF Version of the Biodiversity Action Plan (PDF) [428KB]


In 2022, South Ribble Borough Council adopted a Biodiversity Strategy, pledging to restore, conserve and enhance the biodiversity in the Borough.

This Action Plan sets out the actions that will be taken over the next 5 years. 

Strategy Vision - For a Borough where biodiversity is bigger, better and more joined up.  With networks of accessible, natural greenspace, linking areas of habitat that are positively managed for wildlife, biodiversity gains, as well as resident enjoyment and wellbeing. 

Strategy Aims - To ensure that South Ribble Borough Council's responsibilities to restore, conserve and enhance biodiversity is integrated into the work of all departments and there is a clear understanding of biodiversity and how it relates to decision making. That residents and businesses benefit from maintaining and improving a healthy green environment.

Strategy Objectives -

  • To act as a responsible landowner and land manager and conserve and enhance biodiversity. 
  • To highlight priority habitats and species that have value locally and nationally
  • To highlight threats and issues that may adversely impact priority habitats and species
  • To maintain, restore and create habitat connectivity
  • To share good practice and develop partnerships
  • To encourage education and community action / involvement
  • To instigate a cross department ethos that will inform decisions
  • To ensure development does not negatively impact on existing biodiversity across the Borough and where possible actively improves it. 

This Action Plan details those actions required to be taken across the Borough but also the actions that it intends to take as an organisation and local employer. 

The Council has 3 spheres of influence within the Borough

     Exemplar - To set our own high standards and be a model of good practice for the Borough.

     Enabler - To play our part in partnership working, sharing responsibility, facilitating, coordinating, and promoting projects.

     Encourager - To provide information, support and introductions that will make a positive contribution to our response to the biodiversity and climate emergency. 

In implementing our actions, we are seeking to act as a community leader, setting high standards and working collaboratively to show the changes and improvements that can be achieved, so that we are able to help others across the borough do the same.

Due to the seasonal nature of some of the work required in this action plan, even short-term targets may take two years to complete and longer than that for habitats to become established and develop to their full potential.  The impacts of weather and associated ground conditions may further hamper progress, but this is outside of the control of those delivering on actions.

Some of the actions will require a cultural and behavioural change inside South Ribble to alter long established practices.  It may also require residents to change their perspective on amended maintenance regimes where parks and open spaces no longer look as neat and tidy as they once did.  Engagement and education are key to this being delivered successfully.

There will be an annual updated on progress taken to Council each summer alongside the Climate and Air Quality reports.  It is noted that this Action Plan is very comprehensive and that it cannot all be achieved and reported on every year.  For this reason, 10 key actions will be identified for each year and these will form the basis of the annual report on progress.  The full Action Plan will be reviewed every four years.

This Action Plan links and crosses over with the existing Climate Emergency Action Plan (PDF) [654KB] and Air Quality Action Plan (PDF) [1MB]  .  In time they will all be incorporated in to one single Action Plan. 

Key actions for 2023 / 2024

1.     To comply with national directives to imbed Biodiversity Net Gain into the Planning system, scheduled to commence in November 2023

2.     Identify Council owned sites which are appropriate for registering for developer contributions for Biodiversity Net Gain.

3.     To comply with our role as a Supporting Authority and support Lancashire County Council as the Responsible Authority, in the development of the Lancashire Local Nature Recovery Strategy

4.     To undertake a green corridors mapping exercise to identify opportunities to create and enhance habitats across the Borough

5.     To review our mowing schedule to incorporate low intervention areas and provide better habitat for wildlife

6.     To create a work programme for ponds on a 5- to 10-year management cycle

7.     To ensure South Ribble and its suppliers only use peat free alternatives for compost

8.     To promote awareness and understanding of the park's wildlife and associated management in South Ribble using engagement, education, signage and comms

9.     To deliver the corporate targets for tree planting in the borough by developing partnerships with landowners and other organisations

10.  To continue to support and grow our own Friends Groups by expanding our programme of conservation volunteering opportunities and to help facilitate community groups already committed to biodiversity and climate projects

11. Continue to engage with residents and park users to tackle environmental crimes such as litter, dog fouling and fly tipping



Measures, rationale and timescales


Introduce a best practice approach to management for biodiversity on South Ribble Borough Council owned land
To adapt and regularly review existing park management plans and maintenance schedules to promote biodiversity friendly management practices on Council owned open spaces and parksShort

To create biodiversity management plans for groups of similar smaller parks


To identify areas and actions where parks and open spaces can be enhanced through habitat creation, enhancement and management and the creation of wildlife corridors and steppingstones


To undertake management / maintenance work during the correct times of the year and with the least disturbance to habitat and wildlife


To ensure that there is a net gain of habitat in the Borough


Lancashire County Council

Neighbouring authorities

Natural England


Other wildlife organisations and groups

Neighbourhood Services


Place South Ribble in a wider conservation context

To work with other organisations and groups to develop a large-scale regional approach to conservation including joint resources and collaborative working on larger cross border projects, for example through the Lancashire Nature Partnership


To deliver our Biodiversity Duty as per the NERC Act 2006 and Environment Act 2021 and report on compliance


To link with neighbouring Boroughs and Lancashire County Council to increase connectivity, allowing wildlife to expand their ranges


To comply with our role as a Supporting Authority and support the development of the Lancashire Local Nature Recovery Strategy


To comply with Biodiversity Net Gain in the planning system to enhance biodiversity through developments in the Borough


To aim to achieve a biodiversity net gain for internal projects that do not require planning consent


To embed biodiversity and climate in other relevant Council Strategies and Policies


Lancashire County Council

Neighbouring authorities

Natural England


Other wildlife organisations and groups

Neighbourhood Services


Data collection and mapping to benefit biodiversity

To continue to update baseline data maps to keep accurate records of biodiversity in the Borough.


To undertake a green corridors mapping exercise to identify opportunities to create and enhance habitats across the Borough


To support biodiversity surveying by volunteers and wildlife groups to maintain up to date information


To continue with and expand biodiversity data sharing with LERN and other partners

Lancashire Environmental Records Network (LERN)
Opportunities for funding and resourcing our conservation work

To investigate registering appropriate pieces of SRBC land for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), and potentially creating a habitat bank, as a way of funding creation, enhancement and management of biodiversity improvement works.


To secure internal and/or external funding to expand on the successful tree giveaways to residents and landowners


To source resources to develop, support and expand opportunities for volunteering and community groups in the Borough


To continue to apply for and support community groups to apply for external funding for conservation and climate projects


To manage our actions to have the most impact with the resources available.




 and Community Groups

Neighbourhood Services


Opportunities for training our staff and volunteers

To continuously improving knowledge of the environment and stay up to date with international, national and regional climate and conservation policy and development


To develop staff training opportunities to embed conservation practices into our everyday work


To develop a volunteer training programme around conservation and climate


To develop opportunities for staff to take part in practical climate and conservation action by volunteering

To continuously monitor, review and adapt

To monitor and review the Action Plan every 4 years in line with international, national, regional and local developments 


To report on the key actions and achievements as part of the annual report to full Council


To set local targets for biodiversity improvements linking in to regional, national and international projects and opportunities


To adjust, adapt and support the new opportunities that will arise form national developments and schemes such as Biodiversity Net Gain, Environmental Land Management and Local Nature Recovery Strategies


To monitor habitat improvement projects and use the findings to adapt and amend our management plans and maintenance schedules as necessary


Habitats and Species


Measures, rationale and timescales


The creation of habitats that are bigger, better and more joined up, across the Borough and beyond.

To create specific habitat plans to restore, maintain and enhance habitat types on our estate


To create a work programme for specific habitat types on a 5- to 10-year management cycle


To ensure our work enables the conservation and expansion of key species populations


To undertake a series of surveys and audits of our sites to identify species and habitats that would benefit from improved or amended management practices in conjunction with plans


To ensure the correct management of our land to maintain and enhance its biodiversity value - right plant, right place



Wildlife Groups

Neighbourhood Services


Trees, Woodlands and Orchards

To encourage species rich, structurally diverse woodlands on our estate and to encourage others to do the same by


Underplanting existing woodlands where required


Attention is given to field and shrub layers of woodlands


Introducing management techniques such as coppicing where appropriate


Retaining brash and logs from tree works as habitat piles or dead hedges


Retaining standing and fallen deadwood where it is safe to do so


To use planting and natural regeneration schemes and strategic Biodiversity Net Gain to link up existing woodland habitats, creating corridors and steppingstones for wildlife


To link in with existing and developing woodland creation opportunities across the Borough


To continue to monitor Ash Dieback on our estate and manage in line with national policy


To encourage the creation of orchards and wet woodland


Neighbourhood Services




To encourage species rich hedgerows on our estate and to encourage others to do the same by


allowing hedge bases to thicken to increases the biodiversity value


changing management practices to bring hedgerows into favourable condition, including the use of hedge laying over mechanical cutting


reducing the frequency of cuts on some hedgerows


cutting hedgerows as late as possible to allow birds access to fruits and berries through autumn and winter


gapping up our existing hedgerows


Planting new hedges to create wildlife corridors to link areas of habitat in line with plans (eg BNG)


Encouraging time sensitive management of hedgerows to avoid breeding seasons

Neighbourhood Services

To encourage a mosaic of species rich ponds on our estate and encourage others to do the same by ensuring all ponds have


a diversity of marginal and aquatic plants, with submergent, emergent and floating vegetation


areas of open water


air flow and light to the water surface to maintain oxygen levels


reduced shading, especially on the south side


variations in depth


egg laying plants for newts


To establish and enhance 3-meter-wide buffer areas around priority wildlife ponds


To continue to work in partnership to create, enhance and restore ponds across the Borough


To create a 5- to 10-year pond survey and maintenance programme with associated budget to improve the condition of our ponds


To increase the area of reed beds in the borough e.g. through Biodiversity Net Gain


To manage selective ponds as an educational resource


To continue to educate and engage park users around the issues of feeding the ducks


To continue to undertake Great Crested Newt surveys on an annual basis


To develop bog gardens in areas adjacent to existing ponds, in failed or failing ponds or in areas where it is not safe to have areas of open water


Lancashire Wildlife Trust


Natural England


Neighbourhood Services



Rivers and Streams

To work at a river catchment level with appropriate partners and landowners on conservation projects including the protection of riverbanks and floodplains, coastal floodplains and grazing marsh, intertidal mudflats and coastal saltmarsh habitats


To maintain and improve water quality of streams and rivers by having regard for management practices in their vicinity


To develop schemes for wetland creation and river restoration


To establish and enhance 3 - 5m wide buffers along rivers and streams where possible.


River Ribble Trust

Environment Agency



Neighbourhood Services


To ensure we have structurally diverse, species rich grasslands supporting pollinators and other invertebrates by


ensuring mowing and grazing regimes are in synch with the seasons


controlling competitive grasses and other species - spot treatment of some species that threaten grassland habitats may be required


ensuring that there is a diverse sward structures and successional areas


cutting areas on rotation to provide structure and variety for species, prolonging the availability of pollen and nectar and aesthetic value for park users


ensuring appropriate seed mixes are used for repair of damage or areas in poor condition, including yellow rattle


collecting arisings on all our wildflower meadows


ensuring areas of tussocky grass are retained for overwintering invertebrates


To instigate differential mowing regimes around some of our amenity grasslands


To attempt to create new native wildflower meadows on amenity grassland where appropriate


To ensure that Urban Flower Meadows are not planted where they could cause detriment to native species and habitats


Neighbourhood Services








Roadside Verges

To work with Lancashire County Council on reducing and amending cutting regimes for roadside verges where it is safe to do so, to encourage a network of wildlife corridors and enhance habitat connectivity



Neighbourhood Services


To work in partnership with other bodies and landowners to ensure the protection and restoration of peat bogs in the borough and investigate income opportunities from paludiculture (wetter farming)


To ensure South Ribble and its suppliers only use peat free alternatives for compost



Arable Field Margins

To work with landowners and partners to increase the biodiversity value and connectivity of the arable field margins in the borough




Gardens, cemeteries, allotments and buildings

To work with residents, businesses and landowners to encourage a mosaic of different habitat types across the borough, that provide important food and nectar sources to support our wildlife


To encourage the ethos of leaving space for nature


To encourage the inclusion of wildlife refuges in buildings and structures






Artificial refuges

To encourage the installation of artificial wildlife refuges where appropriate to enhance what is naturally available to our wildlife, including




Hedgehog highways


Bird and bat boxes


Bee / insect boxes


Log / stone piles




Wildlife bridges and tunnels


Green walls and green roofs






Neighbourhood Services

Create some low management intervention areas

To encourage biological diversity in our parks and open spaces by altering management schedules to introduce


unmanaged strips of grass - where reduced frequency mowing can help protect flowering plants and longer swards provide structure / shelter for invertebrates and small mammals


a mosaic of habitats to provide a wide range of species with a wide range of habitats to enable them to complete their lifecycles  


wilder areas


nettle beds and bramble patches


areas of bare earth


To encourage a mindset of reducing access to identified areas of land at certain times of the year to protect species and habitats


To install information signs to explain these changes


Neighbourhood Services



Planting schemes

To encourage the use of locally abundant, native species in planting schemes


To ensure the protection of existing habitats by following a right plant, right place ethos


To consider food and nectar sources and shelter in planting scheme development


To ensure sensitive time management of planting for plants and wildlife


To replace annual planting with more sustainable perennial schemes


Neighbourhood Services



Protected species

To seek to increase populations of protected species by


positive habitat management to create viable habitat for target species


sensitive maintenance regimes and timings


creation of refuges where appropriate


improving ecological connectivity via the creation of corridors and stepping-stones to allow populations to expand naturally


managing public access to protect sensitive habitat and species


enhancement of existing habitats


creation of new habitat where the opportunity exists or becomes available


use of wildlife sensitive lighting schemes to remove barriers to the movement of nocturnal species


To promote awareness and understanding of the park's wildlife and associated management


To create a pollinator pledge to increase the diversity and numbers of pollinating insects in the Borough


Neighbourhood Services



 Environmental Pressures and Mitigation Measures


Measures, rationale and timescales


Designated sites, priority habitats and green belt land

To work collaboratively to ensure that all internationally, nationally and locally designated sites are managed in a positive wayAnnually
To have due regard for irreplaceable and priority habitats of strategic significance and distinctivenessAnnually
To investigate the potential of increasing the number of our sites with local or national designationsLong
To look for opportunities to restore, enhance and create habitats outside of designated wildlife sitesLong
To continue to maintain our sites to Green Flag standardsAnnually  


Natural England

Lancashire Nature Partnership


Integrated biodiversity into wider sustainable development
To comply with our statutory roles and link biodiversity, Biodiversity Net Gain and Lancashire Local Nature Recovery Strategy details into wider corporate priorities and the new Local PlanShort / Medium
Work with developers to add biodiversity value to sites using natural features and artificial refuges on all developments to ensure communities have access to wildlife rich green spaceShort
To encourage the use of SUDs schemes, the removal of weirs and barriers in watercourses and the creation of swales and pondsMedium
To ensure a net gain of habitat across the BoroughAnnually


Natural England



To ensure that emerging Local Plan sets strong ambitious targets for improving biodiversity through developmentShort
To ensure that biodiversity is a key consideration on all planning applicationsShort
Planners to provide annual update on BNG for inclusion in the Climate Report to CouncilMedium       
To promote over 10% net gain on planning applicationsMedium
Businesses and landowner advice
To offer support for landowners wishing to enhance biodiversity on their landAnnually
To provide advice to businesses on how they can take positive action for biodiversityAnnually
Delivering social benefits
To maximise the contribution that biodiversity makes to the health and wellbeing of residents and economic prosperity of the boroughMedium
To improve social cohesion by removing barriers to participating in volunteering and engagement activities.Medium
To provide opportunities for corporate engagement and volunteering opportunities that support local projectsMedium
To integrate biodiversity gain into our Procurement process and encourage contractors working on our property to do their bit for biodiversityMedium     

Investment and Skills

Community groups


National campaigns and lobbying
To stay up to date with national campaigns and lobbying for biodiversityAnnually
To implement new policy according to national guidelinesAnnually



To consider where new roads will be located and whether they will be near any priority site and/or speciesAnnually
To incorporate wildlife tunnels and bridges into roads to prevent the fragmentation of habitatAnnually      

Sustainable Development


Measure and rationale


Designated sites, priority habitats and green belt land

To work collaboratively to ensure that all internationally, nationally and locally designated sites are managed in a positive wayAnnually  
To have due regard for irreplaceable and priority habitats of strategic significance and distinctivenessAnnually
To investigate the potential of increasing the number of our sites with local or national designationsLong
To look for opportunities to restore, enhance and create habitats outside of designated wildlife sitesLong
To continue to maintain our sites to Green Flag standardsAnnually


Natural England

Lancashire Nature Partnership


Integrated biodiversity into wider sustainable development

To comply with our statutory roles and link biodiversity, Biodiversity Net Gain and Lancashire Local Nature Recovery Strategy details into wider corporate priorities and the new Local PlanShort / Medium
Work with developers to add biodiversity value to sites using natural features and artificial refuges on all developments to ensure communities have access to wildlife rich green spaceShort
To encourage the use of SUDs schemes, the removal of weirs and barriers in watercourses and the creation of swales and pondsMedium
To ensure a net gain of habitat across the BoroughAnnually


Natural England




To ensure that emerging Local Plan sets strong ambitious targets for improving biodiversity through developmentShort      
To ensure that biodiversity is a key consideration on all planning applicationsShort
Planners to provide annual update on BNG for inclusion in the Climate Report to CouncilMedium
To promote over 10% net gain on planning applicationsMedium


Businesses and landowner advice

To offer support for landowners wishing to enhance biodiversity on their landAnnually
To provide advice to businesses on how they can take positive action for biodiversityAnnually


Delivering social benefits

To maximise the contribution that biodiversity makes to the health and wellbeing of residents and economic prosperity of the boroughMedium 
To improve social cohesion by removing barriers to participating in volunteering and engagement activities.Medium
To provide opportunities for corporate engagement and volunteering opportunities that support local projectsMedium
To integrate biodiversity gain into our Procurement process and encourage contractors working on our property to do their bit for biodiversityMedium

Investment and Skills

Community groups


National campaigns and lobbying

To stay up to date with national campaigns and lobbying for biodiversityAnnually
To implement new policy according to national guidelinesAnnually



To consider where new roads will be located and whether they will be near any priority site and/or speciesAnnually
To incorporate wildlife tunnels and bridges into roads to prevent the fragmentation of habitatAnnually


Education and Engagement


Measure, rationale and timescales


Raise awareness of biodiversity in South Ribble and regionally

To encourage an ethos of caring for and about the natural diversity and uniqueness of the boroughMedium
To encourage public access to and engagement with nature byMedium

promoting Citizen Science opportunities to residents, schools, volunteers and community groups such as RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch and Butterfly Conservation's Big Butterfly Count


continuing to promote "What can I Do?" activities on our website


providing natural history themed walks and talks for volunteers and residents


installing signs and information regarding to biodiversity improvements on our sites



Working with the local community

We will continue to put people at the heart of our work on biodiversity, increasing awareness, understanding and enjoyment of the natural environment and delivering opportunities for people through education and volunteering byAnnually

continuing to support and grow our Friends Groups by expanding our programme of conservation volunteering opportunities


continuing to support the activities School Eco Councils


continuing to support environmental enhancements in communities


continuing to work with businesses and landowners to add biodiversity value to their land

To support and encourage the development of wildlife groups and activities in the BoroughMedium
To continue to support and help facilitate community groups committed to biodiversity and climate projectsShort
To develop a Social Prescribing offer that allows residents to connect with and value nature as a route to physical and mental wellbeingMedium



To promote biodiversity as an environmental education resourceAnnually
To work with schools to encourage participation in biodiversity initiatives / activitiesAnnually
To enable education visits to parksAnnually
To help develop and support the sustainability agenda in our schoolsAnnually
To support forest school programmes and development of wildlife areas or biodiversity improvements in school groundsAnnually
Provide educational visits and resources for use in schoolsAnnually



To continue to be a part of the Lancashire Local Nature Partnership and other climate and biodiversity partnershipsAnnually
To continue to network and collaborate with partners, local and national wildlife and climate groupsAnnually
Create links with voluntary, community and health groups to improve the health and wellbeing of residentsMedium
To bring conflicting interest groups together to encourage and foster understanding  



Wildlife Groups



LCC - Lancashire County Council

LNP - Lancashire Nature Partnership

BNG - Biodiversity Net Gain

LRNS - Local Nature Recovery Strategy

CSF - Catchment Sensitive Farming

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