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Peer Review 2021

In June 2021, we invited the Local Government Association (LGA) to conduct a Corporate Peer Review. The purpose of the review was to identify where improvement has taken place and where there are still things that may need to get better.  The council were particularly keen to get an external view early in the improvement journey to demonstrate a commitment to long term change. 

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the peer review took place virtually over a three-day period, between the 30th June - 2nd July. During this time, the Corporate Peer Challenge Team spoke to a number of stakeholders, including staff, elected-members, public sector partners, and voluntary and community sector organisations. 

The peer team recognised the promising nature of the work to date and outcomes in relation to governance that have been achieved, while delivering effective services throughout the pandemic and continuing to change ways of working including the implementation of shared services.  There is more to do and the good work to date needs to be embedded.  Plans and strategies also need to be developed to clearly set out the way forward for the council. 

The recommendations of the peer team will be reviewed internally by councillors and the senior management team to inform the development of an action plan to set out the next steps and key milestones.

Peer Review 2021 Report (PDF) [336KB]

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