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B2 - Village Development Supplementary Planning Document

Section 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) were introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) as part of reforms to the planning system. One of the functions of an SPD is to provide further detail/guidance on policies and proposals within the development plan. SPDs must be consistent with national planning policies as well as local policies set out in the development plan.

1.2 This SPD is one of a suite of SPDs that have been prepared in accordance with the Local Planning Regulations (SI 2012 No.767) and National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework), conforming and responding to all relevant local and national policies, and based upon a robust and up-to-date evidence base. This SPD forms part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) for South Ribble. It should be considered alongside policy in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Documents (DPDs) - now referred to as the Local Plan. The SPD guidance should therefore be taken into consideration from the earliest stages of the development process of any site, including any purchase negotiations and preparation of schemes seeking pre-application guidance.

1.3 This SPD on Policy B2 - Village Development has been produced in accordance with all national and local regulations, policy and guidance in mind. Once adopted, this SPD should be afforded significant weight as a material consideration in determining planning applications.

2. The Purpose of this Supplementary Planning Document

2.1 The South Ribble Local Plan allocates land for "village development" throughout the life of the plan period. The purpose of these sites is to allow for the development needs of villages which are tightly constrained by Greenbelt. The policy requires that any application for development on these sites provides evidence as to the local need for the development that is proposed.

2.2 During the application process for recent applications on sites allocated under Policy B2, it became apparent that there was confusion over both the aims of the policy and evidence required to support development on these designations and in particular what constituted 'Local Need'.

2.3 This policy is a 'positively prepared' in accordance with advice in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) - it doesn't seek to prevent development but allows for it in appropriate circumstances. The applicant, in accordance with the policy needs to provide evidence to demonstrate a 'local need' for the development.

2.4 In order to provide greater clarity as to what evidence is required to demonstrate local need, it is this SPD which will set out the requirements for applicants, in terms of the evidence that we will require them to submit in association with their application for development on any site which is subject to Policy B2.

3. Policy Context National Planning Policy Framework

3.1 The NPPF promotes a presumption in favour of sustainable development and supports sustainable economic development to deliver, amongst other things, homes.

3.2 Paragraph 180 affirms that new development should "ensure that new development is appropriate for its location taking into account the likely effects (including cumulative effects) of pollution on health, living conditions and the natural environment, as well as the potential sensitivity of the site or the wider area to impacts could arise from the development" Central Lancashire Core Strategy

3.3 The Central Lancashire Core Strategy (2012) forms part of the Local Development Framework, and sets out the direction and strategy for development and conservation to the year 2026 and beyond. The Core Strategy can be viewed at

3.4 Relevant policies include:

  • Policy 1 - entitled 'Locating Growth' and encourages the focussing of growth and investment in the Key Service Centres of Chorley and Leyland and the other main urban areas in South Ribble.
  • Policy 4: Housing Delivery seeks to ensure that sufficient housing land is identified over the 2010-2026 period.
  • Policy 5 - Housing Density states: "The authorities will secure densities of development which are in keeping with local areas and which will have no detrimental impact on the amenity, character, appearance, distinctiveness and environmental quality of an area, consideration will also be given to making efficient use of land."
  • Policy 6 - Housing Quality aims at improving the quality of housing.
  • Policy 7 - Affordable and Special Needs Housing supports the delivery of affordable and special housing.
  • Policy 17 - Design of New Buildings expects the design and new buildings to take account of the character and appearance of the local area and effectively mirrors Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan.

South Ribble Local Plan

3.5 Policy B2 in the South Ribble Local Plan safeguards sites in the villages of Much Hoole, New Longton, Coupe Green and Mellor Brook for a development to meet a local need which cannot be satisfied elsewhere within the settlement. The Policy requires that evidence of the local need for the development is provided.

3.6 Policy B2 does not rank the listed acceptable uses by preference, but requires that the application be supported by appropriate evidence to demonstrate the local need for the development that is being proposed.

3.7 The Local Plan can be viewed at

Section 2

4. Local Need for Housing

4.1 A major issue in many rural settlements is the availability of a range of house types, both affordable and otherwise, for a range of buyers who need to be in the area. This could include:

  • Families who need a larger property within the settlement
  • First time buyers who currently live in the settlement but are unable to afford to buy a property there
  • Older people who are looking to downsize
  • People who have links to the settlement, such as they grew up there, but are unable to afford to buy a property in the settlement and either have had to, or will have to, move elsewhere to get on the property ladder.

For residential development, both market housing and affordable, the local need must be clearly demonstrated within the settlement boundary that the development falls within - a need within another settlement will not be considered acceptable.

5. Demonstrating a Local Need For Housing

5.1 Any evidence submitted to demonstrate a local need for either affordable or market housing will need to be corroborated by a suitably qualified independent individual(s) whose identity has been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Affordable Housing

5.2 For all of the sites allocated under this Policy, local need should be identified by undertaking a Local Housing Needs Survey in the settlement which the development is proposed.

If the Council does not have an up-to-date Housing Needs Survey (within the last 5 years) for the settlement which the development is proposed, the Developer should undertake this survey. The scope of this Survey should be agreed in advance with the Strategic Housing Officer at the Council, and the Town or Parish Council (where relevant).

5.3 The Local Housing Needs survey should be undertaken the Developer, if the Council does not already have one in place.

5.4 The number and type of affordable housing proposed should match the need from the survey. For example, if the survey shows there is a demand for 3 bedroomed affordable properties, these should be what is proposed. Equally if the survey shows there is only a need for 5 affordable homes then any marketable homes should be proportionate i.e. affordable is 35% of the total so only 10 marketable homes to make it viable. This is in line with the Council's Affordable Housing SPD. 5.5 The affordable homes that are built should be locked into village need in perpetuity so that the next generation can benefit from them.

5.6 The Local Housing Needs Survey can be accompanied by other evidence, to support the application. This could include:

  • Self-build Register - the number of people who are looking to build their own home in the area
  • Affordable Home Ownership Register  Select Move Policy (waiting list) - the number of people who are currently on the waiting list for an affordable property in the locality of the site.
  • North-West help to buy - people wanting to buy a new home in the area, but need support to do so.
  • SHMA - The Strategic Housing Market Assessment - a detailed study and assessment of the housing market, of peoples housing needs within our Borough based on statistical evidence. It also provides our Objectively Assessed Housing Need.
  • Census Information - wider statistical data for an area, taken from the Census. Examples of information could be population and household projections and house price data. This should be taken from either wards, output areas or super output areas, whichever best reflects the settlement boundaries.
  • Working with local communities and Parish Councils (where applicable) to work up any development proposals.

Market Housing

5.7 For all of the sites allocated under this Policy, local need should be identified by undertaking a Local Housing Needs Survey in the settlement which the development is proposed.

If the Council does not have an up-to-date Housing Needs Survey (within the last 5 years) for the settlement which the development is proposed, the Developer should undertake this survey. The scope of this Survey should be agreed in advance with the Strategic Housing Officer at the Council, and the Town or Parish Council (where relevant).

5.8 The number and type of market homes proposed should match the need demonstrated in the survey.

5.9 The Housing Needs Survey should be accompanied by other evidence to support the proposals. This could include:

  • Local Estate Agents - evidence of demand outstripping need. Inflated prices as a consequence of this compared to neighbouring comparable areas.
  • Local anecdotal evidence - letters from locals saying for example grown up children are struggling to find property in the locality.
  • SHMA - The Strategic Housing Market Assessment - a detailed study and assessment of the housing market, of peoples housing needs within our Borough based on statistical evidence. It also provides our Objectively Assessed Housing Need.
  • Census Information - wider statistical data for an area, taken from the Census. Examples of information could be population and household projections and house price data.
  • Working with local communities and Parish Councils (where applicable) to work up any development proposals.

Section 3

6. Local Need for Community Uses

6.1 As community facilities tend to be used by residents of a wider area, the local need for community facilities can be a proven need either within this settlement or adjacent settlements.

6.2 Evidence for such uses may come from a range of sources, including (but not limited to):

  •  Lancashire Care - Provide health and wellbeing services for the area, working with a multitude of partners.
  • My Neighbourhoods
  • Clinical Commissioning Group - to provide detailed information on the health needs of an area. This evidence should clearly demonstrate the need for the proposed use, and also for its scale - for example a large community centre will not be accepted, if the submitted evidence only demonstrates the need for a small centre.

7. Assessing Planning Applications

7.1 When assessing planning applications on sites allocated for B2 - Village Development, the following criteria will apply:

  • Not every site allocated under this policy will be appropriate for the same use. Each scheme will be assessed on its merits, taking into account all relevant development management criteria.
  • For a proposed scheme which includes residential development (either market or affordable housing), an up to date Housing Needs Survey will be required to accompany the application.
  • Any proposals for residential development on these sites will be carefully assessed using the evidence provided in the Housing Needs Survey, and any other accompanying evidence.

8. Monitoring and Review

8.1 The Councils will monitor the effectiveness of this guidance including Core Strategy key indicators and review as appropriate in the light of its performance and future changes in planning law, and policy guidance.

9. Status of SPDs

9.1 The SPD will be subject to consultation in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Responses to the Consultation Draft SPD will be taken into consideration within a further revised version of the document.

10. Further Information

10.1 The SPD will primarily be implemented through determination of planning applications through the development management process.

Charges apply for preapplication consultations; please see our website. Planning Officers will be pleased to provide advice and guidance on planning matters regarding development on sites allocated under Policy B2.

They can be contacted on: 01772 625 625 or

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